Business cards are a simple marketing tool that helps us make connections lead to potential business relationships. Don't underestimate these little ones and miss out on an opportunity to hand out them at any event, mixer, conference or friendly encounter!

There are lots of details that should go on your card - make sure you got all your important contact details clear and visible:
Company name
Your name
Your role / position
Telephone number, direct and/or mobile
Email address
Website address
Company address

Your business card has 2 sides! Use them both and don't let that advertising space go to waste with a blank.
Some good options for Side B:
Large company logo + tagline
Large website address and/or QR code
Social media icons
Services your company, or you specifically, offer
An inspirational quote
Team photos
Something especially customized for your type of business (appointment schedule etc.)
And more...

Be mindful of the amount of content you place on the card. Too much information may result in a messy card that's hard to look at! Too many colors and font styles can also be a part of your hot mess, so go easy, go minimal.


Add a personal touch - something that fits you within reason! Gad is an esteemed patent attorney and has 2 versions of his business card. The ones he carries with him to worldwide conferences includes a paraphrase on the known phrase "In God We Trust". This is also an excellent ice-breaker to start a conversation!

Although many online services offer business card templates and print, we highly recommend getting your own customized design, that professionally fits you and your brand like a glove.
A professional designer may also recommend special printing effects that could take your beautiful card to the next level!
Are you ready to make your biz card work for you?
Connect with us today and let's get you started!